
Showing posts from May, 2023

Greater Prairie Chickens Booming on the Lek

Photo credit: David Bates Early morning in mid-April found us on a Colorado mating lek of a pack of Greater Prairie Chickens ( Tympanuchus cupido) . There is something special about the busyness and noises of the lek that keeps us coming back in the springtime. Listen to the booming sounds and clucking of the prairie chickens as you watch this early morning video. You might even hear the pounding of their feet as the males prepare to fill their gular sacs, bow, and boom. Yes, Greater Prairie Chickens (GPC) do fly.  Not only are they prolific jumpers and sparing experts, but they can also fly at speeds of up to 50 mph, as we saw when it was time for them to leave the mating lek.  Like other grouse we have seen, the GPC leave the lek in a pack and seemingly all at once, maybe upon the signal of a lead GPC, though that is not always evident. They will leave the lek temporarily, if they suspect danger lurks such as a circling hawk or a prowling coyote.  Once the perceived dan...