Here We Go Again!
It's BREEDING SEASON on the prairie again! Christine and I, creators of Chicks on a Grouse Trip , are back at it and have plans to be there for the action. Thanks for joining us for another year of grouse blogging! This year you'll find us on the plains in the state of Colorado searching for Greater Prairie Chickens ( Tympanuchus cupido ). Similar but different from the Lesser Prairie Chickens ( Tympanuchus pallidicinctus ) we photographed in Kansas in 2022. Note : the image above is a Lesser PC taken in Kansas as we later realized we did not photograph Greater PC's in 2022. Watch for future posts with images of Greater PC's from the field and follow our latest adventures. It is so much easier to identify birds during breeding season, especially male birds, as most birders and bird photographers know. So descriptions in this article address male features and behaviors. The two prairie chicken species are hardly discernible without their air sac exposed. Greater PC...